
وجبات تم التبرع بها

المتتبع المباشر

برنامج وجبات بالي روتس

برنامج الوجبات هو علامة مميزة لعملنا الخيري الذي توسع إلى ما هو أبعد من خيالنا. بدأ الأمر بفكرة بسيطة مفادها أن العمل الذي نقوم به لنشر الثقافة الفلسطينية في جميع أنحاء العالم، يجب أن يستمر داخل فلسطين. وما هي الطريقة الأفضل لضمان ذلك من دعم نمو الأطفال الفلسطينيين بشكل مباشر الذين سيتحملون هذه المسؤولية. بالإضافة إلى ذلك، يدعم البرنامج أسرهم من خلال توفير طرود غذائية شهرية، وتعويضات عن زيارات المستشفيات، وتوفير فرص عمل للنساء المهمشات. لقد تعاوننا مع تحالف أطفال الشرق الأوسط (MECA) لتنفيذ العملية على الأرض وضمان تخصيص كل وجبة لطفل في فلسطين.

لا يقوم فريق MECA على الأرض بتوزيع وجبات قابلة للطهي في الميكروويف أيضًا. إنهم يعملون ليلًا ونهارًا لتزويد أطفال فلسطين بأطعمة طازجة ومغذية مثل: الدجاج واللحوم والخضروات والفواكه ومنتجات الألبان. منذ إنشائنا، تبرعنا بأكثر من 2.5 مليون وجبة. أظهرت الدراسات البحثية أن الأطفال قد شهدوا تحسنًا كبيرًا في صحتهم ومستويات الطاقة لديهم، فضلاً عن رغبة أقوى في الذهاب إلى المدرسة. برنامج الوجبات أكثر من مجرد الإفطار والغداء، إنه حجر الأساس لمستقبل نابض بالحياة لفلسطين. إنه من أجل الحفاظ على ثقافتها.

تمويل المشاريع

إن فلسطين المسالمة هي ما نسعى إليه، ولكن ليس دائمًا ما نحصل عليه. كان تنظيم حملات ذات تأثير كبير على مدار السنوات العديدة الماضية هو أولويتنا القصوى عندما يتم تقديم التحديات للناس. حتى الآن، جمعت PaliRoots وتبرعت بمبلغ 3،401،711.79 دولارًا أمريكيًا لقضايا خيرية. تبرع مجتمعنا لحملات المياه النظيفة، وإطعام الأسر، والألعاب للعيد، وأدوية العلاج الكيميائي، وزراعة الأشجار، وصهاريج المياه، وحزم الشتاء (الملابس)، بالإضافة إلى حقائب الظهر واللوازم المدرسية للأطفال في مخيمات اللاجئين.

كان مفتاح كل مشروع هو الشفافية الكاملة والتواصل المستمر لبناء ثقة الآلاف في جميع أنحاء العالم لضمان وصول الأموال التي يتبرعون بها مباشرة إلى فلسطين. قبل أي مشروع شراكة جديد، نقوم بفحص المنظمة بدقة من خلال البحث والاتصالات على الأرض في فلسطين لضمان أمن المشروع. الهدف مع كل منظمة هو بناء شراكة مستدامة، وضمان التغطية على الأرض، وإنشاء تقارير التأثير، والأهم من ذلك مساعدة شعب فلسطين.

Toys | Gaza
June 28th, 2023

الاحتفال بالابتسامات: النجاح الباهر لمبادرة اللعب من أجل السلام

In a joint endeavor to uplift the spirits of children in Gaza, PaliRoots and the Middle East Children's Alliance (MECA) took on a remarkable journey named 'Play for Peace'. Our mission was to bring joy, laughter, and a sense of normalcy to these young lives through the simple, yet profound act of giving Eid toys. In this impact report, we delve into our goals, the process, the invaluable role of our project manager Wafaa, and the heartwarming outcome that transcended our expectations. With a reach of over 1,160 children and significant contributions to the local economy, we've proven that even in the face of adversity, the human spirit can ignite change, foster resilience, and most importantly, spark joy.
Project #25 LEARN MORE
Feeding | Palestine & Lebanon
March 22, 2023

إطعام غزة ولبنان: مشاريع الطرود الغذائية (رمضان 2023)

For three years, PaliRoots and MECA have collaborated to combat child malnutrition in Gaza and Lebanese refugee camps through the provision of nutrient-rich food parcels. This report presents our continued and expanding efforts, emphasizing our goals to promote healthy growth, empower women, and enhance food security. So far, we've distributed 750 food parcels, supporting ten women-led small businesses and benefiting countless families. Through various distribution channels, including Ramadan food parcels and emergency food parcels, we aim to ensure food security year-round.
Project #24 LEARN MORE
Clothing | Gaza
November 29th, 2022

شارك الدفء: قدم حزم الشتاء للأطفال في غزة (النسخة السنوية السابعة)

For our 7th annual 'Share The Warmth' winter bundle drive, PaliRoots joined forces with the Middle East Children's Alliance (MECA) to raise funds for keeping children safe and warm this winter. Thanks to your generous contributions, we were able to provide 880 winter bundles to children in Gaza, each of which included jackets, jeans, thermals, shoes, and socks. Your support made this possible, and we are grateful for your commitment to helping vulnerable children in need.
Project #23 LEARN MORE
Feeding | Palestine & Lebanon
April 2, 2022

إطعام غزة ولبنان: مشروع الطرود الغذائية

PaliRoots & The Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA) teamed up to raise $285,185.33 to the provide food parcels to families in Palestine and Lebanon.
Project #22 LEARN MORE
Clothing | Gaza
December 1st, 2021

شاركوا الدفء: قدموا حزم الشتاء للأطفال في غزة (النسخة السنوية السادسة)

Zam Zam and PaliRoots partnered with the Middle East Children's Alliance (MECA) for our 6th annual 'Share The Warmth' winter bundle drive to raise funds to keep children safe and warm this winter. You made it possible for us to provide 1448 winter bundles! With your donation, we were able to provide bundles for each child including, jackets, jeans, thermals, shoes and socks.
Project #21 LEARN MORE
Backpack | Gaza
September 26th, 2021

العودة إلى المدرسة: حقيبة غزة واللوازم المدرسية (المشروع الثالث)

PaliRoots has partnered with MECA to donate 6,133 backpacks and school supplies to students in kindergarten through 9th grade in Palestine to start the school year off strong and with confidence!. We were able to source these supplies from local factories throughout the Gaza region resulting in the employment of 75 people within them helping the local Palestinian economy!
Project #20 LEARN MORE
Medicine | Gaza, Palestine
July 18th, 2021

سوء التغذية الحاد: مشروع أرض الإنسان للفيتامينات والأدوية

PaliRoots and the MECA teamed up to help treat children in Gaza, Palestine who are affected by severe malnutrition and rare diseases such as PKU. We've donated $61,000 and helped provide 895 children with the proper medicine and vitamins.
Project #19 LEARN MORE
Emergency Relief | Gaza, Palestine
June 1st, 2021

الإغاثة الطارئة: غزة تحت الهجوم

PaliRoots partnered up with The Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA) to donate $100,000 to feed children and families affected by the recent Gaza attacks. A total of 3,144 families, from five different areas in Gaza, received food parcels.
Project #18 LEARN MORE
Clothing | Gaza
December 1st, 2020

أنقذوا غزة: مشروع حزم الشتاء (السنة الخامسة)

Another beautiful year for our 5th annual Winter Bundle project with Zam Zam Water and Middle Eastern Children’s Alliance (MECA). Together, we have provided clothing bundles to keep the children of Gaza warm during the winter season. With your kind support, we have helped protect nearly 1,732 children so far!
Project #17 LEARN MORE
Emergency Relief | Beirut, Lebanon
August 4th, 2020

الإغاثة الطارئة: مساعدات ضحايا انفجار بيروت

PaliRoots partnered up with Penny Appeal, USA to provide food, fuel, shelter and immediate medical assistance to families and refugees in need in Beirut, Lebanon due to the explosion.
Project #16 LEARN MORE
Feeding | Gaza
May 24, 2020

إطعام غزة: طرود غذائية رمضانية

PaliRoots partnered up with Zam Zam, The Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA), and the Shifaa Foundation to distribute Ramadan food parcels to families in Gaza. We are humbled by the amount of support this campaign has been able to have, especially during such difficult times around the world.
Project #15 LEARN MORE
Feeding | Gaza
May 15, 2020

إطعام غزة: مشروع برنامج وجبات بالي روتس

PaliRoots & The Middle East Children’s Alliance (MECA) teamed up to raise $164,007 to the PaliRoots Meal Program. A total of 372 students, from 3 different schools in Gaza, receive free school lunch.
Project #14 LEARN MORE
Clothing | USA
February 1st, 2020

أعط الحجاب: مشروع النساء اللواتي يواجهن العنف الأسري (المشروع الثاني)

PaliRoots partnered up with Arab American Association of New York to donate 182 hijabs for women experiencing domestic violence and abuse. This non-profit is located in Brooklyn, NY and supports and empowers the Arab immigrant and Arab American community by providing services to help them adjust to their new home and become active members of society. Their aim is for families to achieve the ultimate goals of independence, productivity, and stability.
Project #13 LEARN MORE
Clothing | Gaza
December 3rd, 2019

أنقذوا غزة: مشروع حزم الشتاء (السنة الرابعة)

For our 4th annual winter drive, PaliRoots partnered with Zam Zam Water, Middle Eastern Children’s Alliance (MECA), and this year, Salaam Nutritionals and the Shifaa Foundation as well. Together, we have provided Vitamin A and clothing bundles to keep the children of Gaza warm and healthy during the winter season. With your kind support, we have helped protect nearly three thousand children in Gaza!
Project #12 LEARN MORE
Environment | West Bank
September 16th, 2019

الركض من أجل فلسطين: زراعة أشجار الزيتون في الضفة الغربية

PaliRoots and Penny Appeal USA teamed up to do a charity run in Bethlehem from March 24-29th, 2019, to raise awareness and funds to grow more olive trees in the West Bank. Over 3,000 olive trees were planted on 30 farms in Ramallah.

Project #11 LEARN MORE
Feeding | Gaza
May 5, 2019

تغذية غزة: مشروع الغذاء الرمضاني للأونروا

PaliRoots and the UNRWA partnered to provide food packages to Gazan families for Ramadan. $20,294 was raised to offset the devastating impact of a loss of US funding has had on the UNWRA.

Project #10 LEARN MORE
Feeding | West Bank
March 15th, 2019

البدو سيبقون: إطعام الأسر في الضفة الغربية

PaliRoots and Zam Zam Water partnered to provide food packages to Bedouin families in the West Bank. Food packages were delivered to 200 families, supplying an average of 8 week’s sustenance.
Project #9 LEARN MORE
Clothing | USA
December 31st, 2018

الحجاب للنساء: مشروع مواجهة العنف الأسري

PaliRoots partnered up with Wafa House to raise money to provide hijabs for women experiencing domestic violence and abuse. This non-profit is located in New Jersey and serves many women who are voiceless in the community that needs their services and support.
Project #8 LEARN MORE
Clothing | Gaza
December 3rd, 2018

أنقذوا غزة: مشروع حزم الشتاء (النسخة السنوية الثالثة)

PaliRoots, again, joined forces with Zam Zam Water and Middle Eastern Children’s Alliance (MECA) to provide clothing bundles to keep the children of Gaza warm during the winter season of 2018. Showing continued expansion from year to year, together, we have brought warmth to 3,600 children in Gaza.
Project #7 LEARN MORE
Medicine | Gaza
September 07, 2018

علاج السرطان: مشروع توفير أدوية العلاج الكيميائي للأطفال في غزة

PaliRoots and the Palestinian Children's Relief Fund (PCRF) teamed up to treat children in Gaza, Palestine who are affected by cancer. We've donated $8,243.74  and donated 100% of proceeds for our Battal Boy and Palestinian Ironman Tees to support this campaign.
Project #6 LEARN MORE
Toys | Gaza
August 20, 2018

هدايا عيد غزة: مشروع إسعاد الأطفال

PaliRoots partnered up with Middle East Children's Alliance (MECA) to provide Eid gifts to children in Gaza. We distributed 300 toys and 100 hair accessories for children in Nuseirat and Khan Younis refugee camps. These areas are extremely poor, but with the help of our beautiful PaliRooter community, we were able to provide gifts to children who needed it the most.
Project #5 LEARN MORE
Backpack | Gaza
August 15th, 2018

مشروع حقيبة غزة (النسخة الثانية)

PaliRoots completed the 2nd annual Gaza Backpack Project. We partnered with MECA to manufacture backpacks and school bundles for a kindergarten in Gaza. We donated $3,928 to start the project and pledged to donate 20% of our net-profits to MECA for August.
Project #4 LEARN MORE
Water | Gaza
May 5th, 2018

الإغاثة من العطش: شاحنة لنقل المياه النظيفة إلى غزة

PaliRoots and Penny Appeal USA teamed up to provide healthy, clean and pure water to impoverished students of Gaza. During Ramadan of 2018, we raised $53,489 for a water tanker to serve 10,000 students in a rural part of Gaza where there is no access to clean water.
Project #3 LEARN MORE
Clothing | Gaza
November 28th, 2017

أنقذوا غزة: مشروع حزم الشتاء (النسخة السنوية الثانية)

PaliRoots joined forces with Zam Zam Water and Middle Eastern Children’s Alliance (MECA) to provide clothing bundles to keep the children of Gaza warm during the winter season of 2017. Luckily, with your generosity, we were able to successfully fund this project and helped over a thousand kids in Gaza!
Project #2 LEARN MORE
Backpack | Gaza
September 1st, 2017

العودة إلى المدرسة: مشروع حقيبة غزة (السنوي الأول)

PaliRoots partnered up with Zam Zam Water and MECA to manufacture 1,500 backpacks and hygiene kits from a Palestinian factory to distribute to the kids of Gaza.
Project #1 LEARN MORE